My Goal for You

Welcome to AG Members.

By now you’ve probably visited numerous websites, read books, articles, and maybe you’ve even spent some time in forums or social media sites trying to find a solution to your anxiety problem. You might have talked to family, friends, doctors, or anyone else that would listen to you about your abnormal anxiety.

And after all that you’re still anxious. Perhaps you’re even depressed and feel like giving up. Despite all that I assure you that there’s still hope for you.

Let’s talk a little about what you’ll be learning.

In addition to educating you about abnormal anxiety and different ways of overcoming it; I also want to make everything you learn here clear and easy to understand.

In that regard, I apply one theme throughout this site: Simplicity.

I don’t see the use in making things complicated, unnecessarily long, or filled with fluff. I do my best to get straight to the point in each lesson.

Members Site Objectives

I hope you take away the following:

  1. A clear understanding of anxiety & anxiety symptoms.
  2. Knowledge about how anxiety affects your thoughts.
  3. Specific techniques to change your anxious thoughts.
  4. Effective techniques to reduce and stop panic.
  5. The ability to relax and sooth yourself.
  6. Improved self-confidence.
  7. The ability to integrate everything you learn into your daily life.

As you can see, this site is about more then reviewing things you already know. It’s about action. You will learn to do things, many things, but above all, you’ll learn how to help yourself.

To use this site effectively I recommend starting at the beginning and working your way through it in order. The reason why is because I set up the site so that the previous module prepares you for the next one.

After going through the program once you can bounce around as much as you want. Of course, this is only a suggestion. Feel free to use the materials in whatever way you think will help the most.

Remember to check this blog every time you log in. This is where I’ll be posting updates and other time sensitive information.

Talk to you soon!



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