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Summary - Margaret
Name: Margaret Jarvis
Registered: March 17, 2015, 18:38
Posts: 1
Position: Newbie
Jabber/google Talk:
Biographical Info:

I live in Sydney, Australia and have genetic anxiety that I've had for almost as long as I can remember.It's getting much worse and I've been diagnosed with panic disorder. This happened after I was stung by a wasp about 16 years ago and had anaphylaxis. I had the first panic attack shortly afterwards - I was warned by doctors I could get panic attacks after the wasp sting. I was given an overdose of adrenaline at the time and since then I make far too much so I'm constantly in a flight situation and it is debilitating. I am seeing a psychologist at present as well as my GP. Previously I saw a psychiatrist who put me on a drug used for bipolar and epilepsy and I had dreadful side effects - I wanted to drive off the road. Needless to say I stopped taking it. Weather and season change seems to affect me a lot - I am quite a sensitive person. Although I don't get so many panic attacks the anxiety is there most of the time. I've been given so many medications which are for depression, but I am not depressed - confirmed by all doctors etc I have seen. The only medication that does anything is Xanax that I have been taking in very small doses occasionally for a long time.

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