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Author Topic: Sleep and Morning Anxiety
Posts: 2
Post Sleep and Morning Anxiety
on: November 10, 2015, 23:05


I realize this forum isn't very active, but thought I'd try anyway.

I'm in the middle of a terrible bout of anxiety and it wakes me up after about 3 hours of sleep... totally anxious, then the anxiety lasts most of the morning till about noon when I progressively get better. Will this go away the more I accept it? Seems to be the worst for me.

Posts: 94
Post Re: Sleep and Morning Anxiety
on: November 11, 2015, 23:01

That happened to me too when I quit my medication. I had to use a sleep aid.
It eventually got better when I reinstated but it to a long time.
I can only suggest not to stress about falling asleep; it makes things worse.
Try to get up and do somethign and try to sleep again.
If nothing works, talk to your doctor. There are temporary solutions. Maybe just being able to sleep a few days with drugs will make you less anxious and in time your sleep will get back to normal so you won't need pills.
Take care.

Posts: 17
Post Re: Sleep and Morning Anxiety
on: November 15, 2015, 03:07


Yeah, I've experienced virtually the same thing more times than I care to think about. I would wake up either in the middle of the night or very early in the morning in an anxious state, then had trouble falling back asleep. Then I was keyed up for most of the morning, and eventually it would break around noon or so. This continued for quite some time. Once I finally got on top of my anxiety, the middle of the night anxiety lessened along with it. Here's the thing though: it may never completely go away. I still occasionally wake up with my heart racing, weird sensations in my head, etc. But I've changed how I react to it. Before it freaked me out, which made things worse by raising my anxiety level. Now I just chalk it up to anxiety and pretty much ignore it. I found listening to very relaxing music and some guided imagery audios helpful in getting back to sleep. Now it's much less of a problem.

Paul's advice for overcoming anxiety helped me a great deal, so take what he says and put it into practice. Ignore anxiety. Don't fight it, and let it do whatever it's going to do. You'll find that it really has no power over you, other than the power you give it. I hope that helps!

Posts: 2
Post Re: Sleep and Morning Anxiety
on: November 15, 2015, 22:21

Hi Michelle

Same here and have been for many months. I'm new to this site and slowly working my way through Paul's material. One of the things on here that helped me was the podcast about insomnia. Listened to it several times now and taken some notes and I feel it's starting to work. I really encourage you to listen to it and follow the simple steps (if you haven't already started).

I sincerely wish you luck I know how you feel.


Posts: 1
Post Re: Sleep and Morning Anxiety
on: January 11, 2016, 18:34

I've had this issue too. I found exercise, first thing in the morning, to be a big help in terms of taking the edge of the anxiety for the rest of the day. Good luck!

Posts: 1
Post Re: Sleep and Morning Anxiety
on: June 6, 2016, 23:01

Hello Michelle!

I have struggled with vivid dreams/nightmares causing me to wake up in panic attacks every night for almost 5 months. It got better when I started taking prazosin and zopiclone, combined with psychotherapy and lexapro. I'm slowly weaning myself off of zopiclone and will continue the prazosin and lexapro for the next year or so! Therapy definitely helps for insomnia, once you stop being scared/fearful of it - it will lose its anxious significance in your life and subside.

Posts: 75
Post Re: Sleep and Morning Anxiety
on: June 20, 2016, 01:07


After being diagnosed with anxiety in 2008, insomnia and I were tight. I have to admit that during one stretch, I was actually afraid to fall asleep. Not sure why but as much as I was afraid to shut my eyes, eventually I would fall asleep and wake up the next day feeling refreshed. Weird I know but that was me. Anyway, nI learned to accept it by simply saying "no sleep tonight, but tomorrow night, I'll get the best sleep ever." I read that your body has to shut down, i.e. sleep, so eventually you'll get the sleep you deserve. Today, I'm mostly cured from my insomnia, although it comes every blue moon.

Don't give into it and just start learning how to accept the feeling. You'll be fine. I hope your sleep gets better real soon.

Be well,

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