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Author Topic: Spams, twitching all over body
Posts: 5
Post Spams, twitching all over body
on: June 16, 2016, 03:42

Hello so I'm very anxious right now I am having spasm or twitches don't really know the difference maybe tremor. They are in my legs the calfs and thigh mainly. But I also get it in my arms that hurts. Thumb or pinky will twitch so will my eyelid and lip. But the senstation in my calfs only happens when I sit down for awhile it twitches and feel like its bubbly some times it hurts even in my hands like muscle contractions. I'm just afraid of parkisons mainly but ms, and also als. I have had this for about 4 months now they can come and ago by day or weeks. Does anyone have have any good information to put my mind at ease. Feel like a knife is in my thigh.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Spams, twitching all over body
on: June 16, 2016, 20:44

Hello Evan, ive read that adrenaline is pumping through your bod when you get sharp pains as the muscle contracts. with me, it makes odd parts of my body to hurt or sting then I feel itchy around my body. I get the occasional lip spasm or cheek but I notice this more when I am feeling uncomfortable or off.

Posts: 5
Post Re: Spams, twitching all over body
on: June 17, 2016, 01:20

Yeah it started after like 5 months of my relapse last August. I never experienced this before in my life ha I had anxiety since I was 14. But yeah it started during finals 1st semester alot of stress and lack of sleep and I've been having trouble with it ever since I can get almost a month of relief sometimes but usually when I do my 24 hour shifts it comes back after a couple of nights of 5 hours of sleep then it lingers even with rest.

Posts: 75
Post Re: Spams, twitching all over body
on: June 21, 2016, 01:19


I too suffer from different twitches. I was in the same boat you are now with "Which medical condition do I have?" I had my annual physical a few months back, and all was normal. What do I have? I'm a little stressed out about everything. So I'm trying to bring down the stress one day at a time. I still have muscle and eye twitches, but those are just indicators to me that I need to work on my stress.

Get checked out and if all is normal, then believe it. Easier said than done but take it from someone who's been there.

Good luck and be well,

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