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Author Topic: Whats that? Anxiety Center?
Posts: 94
Post Whats that? Anxiety Center?
on: March 2, 2013, 21:06

I was looking at the blog's list of symptoms because I have a feelig like a hole in my head since monday, on top of the rest.


This leads to a website that claims a lot of the same stuff about ''fight or flight'' and how the symptoms are not dangerous.
It also wants to get members.
I'm a bit bewildered by this claim.
``Anxiety is NOT a disease, illness, or biological condition you inherit or contract. It's also not a result of a chemical imbalance or biological problem in the brain.``

Because I have been encouraged strongly to get back on the antiderpessants for that reason; that I don't have enough serotonin, I'm a little confused. I know I want to do it without the medication, but I can't seem to be able. Anxiety can't kill me but I sure feel like I'm dying.

Is this site helpfull? Is it different than here? Anyone tried it?
I didn't mind paying for membership here since Paul has given a lot of great information already. But I don't like promisses. They do say it's a process and you can't eliminate anxiety, but they also say you can eliminate it. It's strange.

Posts: 100
Post Re: Whats that? Anxiety Center?
on: March 3, 2013, 02:04

Hi Sarah, I linked to that site because their symptoms list is comprehensive. I actually don't know anything about them outside of that. I don't know if their program is "good" or "bad."

What I can say, as a person educated in this field (I have an MA in counseling psychology), is that abnormal anxiety, depression, etc often have a biological component to them. Abnormal anxiety is also highly heritable, as evidenced by numerous studies. Plus, the consensus in the medical/psychology world is that brain chemicals can play a role in the genesis and exacerbation of mental ailments.

This is why medications are helpful to many people. In my view self-education (Like this site!), therapy, and medications working in concert leads to good outcomes. My two cents.


Posts: 3
Post Re: Whats that? Anxiety Center?
on: March 3, 2013, 03:44

Hi Sarah,

I did join this website for a month and I did find some helpful information. It is a Canadian based website with a strong Christian element. They offer online counselling/therapy (which you pay extra for). The big thing I found with this site is that most of the therapists, including the man who founded the site, appear to have had their own journey with anxiety (and so has Paul), so there is much normalising of the condition and hence the idea that anxiety is not a disease, etc. And anxiety is not a disease, however, I do believe that there is a biological component to it, and so Paul's comments. There is a very extensive symptons list, which may offer reassurance to some (and I don't think you have to be a member to access this information). What you pay for is a lot of information on possible causes of anxiety, therapy, relaxation. Really, not any more than what you get on this site. You will always get differing opinions, and it's mostly on the issue of medication, but you really have to find what works for you. One thing is clear though, most recommend relaxation, breathing exercises, psychological therapy and looking after yourself and keeping yourself healthy.


Posts: 94
Post Re: Whats that? Anxiety Center?
on: March 3, 2013, 05:19

I do feel trapped between opinions. Like I can't think for myself anymore. I felt ok in early january. this is the worst I felt since I started having anxiety 13 years ago. And I had relaspses.
I am not religious so I probably would be irritated by that. I have a therapis (psychologist) already, so I guess this is not needed.
It's so strange; I worry all the time now for over a month, sleeping about 4 hours a night and loosing weight like crazy. I feel like I can't trust anyone and not even myself. I doubt everything. It's not like me.
I know anxiety is not a ''disease'' that it's part of life, but not like this.
not this level.
Thank you again, Paul and Vicki.

Posts: 26
Post Re: Whats that? Anxiety Center?
on: May 17, 2014, 20:03

I was a member of this site ... It was okay in parts but the forum was basically people complaining about their symptoms and different medications, pretty much like Lucinda Basset's website forum and pretty much like all the anxiety forums out there.

Posts: 3
Post Re: Whats that? Anxiety Center?
on: July 18, 2018, 02:44

Hi everyone! in September 2017 I had my first panic attack since then anxiety and dizziness fallows everywhere . I came across last Saturday a podcast with a introduction to anxiety and I knew this site it was going to be the one. why? After hours of research I found someone that had same symptoms as mine. so I am not a SSRI's type of guy, but my neighbor recommend me her doctor he prescribe me Viibrid and let me tell you something the second day of taking this med it took most of the anxiety edge. I was shock. Anyway I did 8 weeks of the viibrid and with healthy eating , no alcohol , no smoking and exercising I am doing well not perfect but better. hopefully this can help someone. Good journey!

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