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Author Topic: Anxiety and illnesses
Posts: 94
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: March 22, 2013, 00:12

I didn't feel this was relateble, but it is in a way.
I started a new anxiety medication and I felt that the side effects were maybe a case of those "rare side effects" that make the fineprint and the medicine commercial so scary. I even went to the doctor even if I saw her last week, just to make sure. She said that if I was indeed having the rare deadly dangerous side effects that were so scary to me, I'd be dead already or in the hospital. Not walking around and going to work and interacting with people. I do have some bothersome side effects but they are supposed to go away once my body ajusts.
I was a bit reassured and I can now let the medicine do its job without me shoving more anxiety inside my body with my "What if's".
To be honest, as much as I was reluctant to go back on a medication, I am feeling a bit more like my old self. It's only been a week.

We are people who are hyper vigilant. We'd have been great at escaping sabertooth lions back in the day.
I think we also see the worst first. That is not very helpfull. Also, we belive that if we think something, it has to be true. It's not. That tought is both reasuring and scary, but it's true. We do not know everything and cannot control everything.
I say this , but I have a hard time myself with that concept.
Anyways, getting checked out is best but don't read too much into how you feel. I know I do and I'm almost always wrong about that.

Posts: 100
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: March 22, 2013, 04:48

The "what if" bug," what I would had given to rid myself of that 10 years ago! I feel like that is THE issue for so many people with anxiety problems. That nagging feeling that maybe, just maybe, something really is wrong.

However, with concerted effort, not just when you're feeling bad, it can be mastered. It can be tiring because it is a kind of constant self-dialogue. You have to remind yourself that any time a "what if" pops into your mind that you must at the moment jump in and identify the thought as anxiety based, then focus on what you can see and know instead.

In fact, if you find a "what if" thought sneaking in on you put yourself in the position of a friend that "knows" everything is actually okay. What would that friend say? How would you convince them that "what if" thoughts are based on fear and assumption and nothing more. It's a start.


p.s. Glad to hear that you're practicing acceptance Lindsay because it indeed does take practice.

Posts: 21
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: March 23, 2013, 11:18

I'm glad to see that this thread is picking up 🙂
I've started feeling slightly better this week, probably because I was able to get back to work and be amongst people again. Loneliness during the flu really helped my anxiety gain momentum.
I'm glad that I managed to push through without having to get back on anxiety meds. I can't say I'm feeling SO much better but it's manageable again and somehow I noticed that these periods of "crisis" actually help you refocus on what you're doing wrong regarding anxiety and what you should actually be doing to get better.
We shouldn't let ourselves be distracted by how horrid anxiety can be at times, no matter if it's caused by stress, the flu or others and learn from these "bad" times.

Wish you all the best, Martin

Posts: 75
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: March 25, 2013, 20:21


Wow, EXACTLY!!! For just a slight moment, I "feel" as if I'm going to pass out. It's been happening throughout the last few days. I'm tried of it but I will persevere. I have an optometrist appointment on Thursday, so I will let you know what they say. Brain tumor? Eye cancer? Okay, bring it on. But if it's "tense" muscles and they don't respond "quickly or smoothly as normal", then I hope they can tell me what I need to do to get over this feeling. It's getting real old!!!!


Posts: 6
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: March 25, 2013, 22:41


I can tell you what my eye Doctor told me, and it works. You know those "magic eye" 3D puzzles? Get yourself some of them (search for "magic eye puzzle" in google image search, there's thousands of free ones) and whenever you want to relax your eyes, spend a few minutes looking at them. The defocusing required to see them also relaxes the eye muscles. I've found it a surprisingly good treatment for eyestrain.

~ Lindsay

Posts: 75
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: April 3, 2013, 04:46

Update to what I was feeling. I got a really dizzy last Tuesday, and it cause some concern and angst in me. For 48 hours, I just catastrophized about "what if." Went to my doctor on Thursday, and it turns out I have vertigo. Yup, no brain or eye cancer, and I'm not stroking out or dying. Whew. I have to do the exercises to get over this hump and I should be back to normal in a few weeks.


Posts: 75
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: May 29, 2013, 02:20

What up everyone,

So, here I am again battling a head cold, a day before I head on vacation to New Orleans. Needless to say, I've done everything I can to try to feel better, to include calling in sick to work this morning (only slept a few hours, and I thought by going into an emclosed environment, it would make me worse), and taking Zicam tablets (I think it has zinc and vitamin C in it.) I was able to make it to my CBT session today (I have 3 sessions left), and I explained to my therapist that I can deal with being ill and having anxiety at the same time. Easier said than done but I'm doing it.

Yup, just another friendly reminder that I still have GAD, and that acceptance and perseverance will get me through this whole thing. And if you're wondering, I'm looking forward to the flight. We have a layover in DEnver, so I won't be on the plane that long, but if I had to, I could. I proved it to myself a few months back.

Keep your head up everyone.Don't let anxiety or depression keep you down. As hard as it may seem, you will defeat this thing. I know I will, I just need to remain patience. Time to pack and sleep for a few (our flight as at 6 AM!!) Hey, it was a cheap flight.

Peace and calm to all,


Posts: 13
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: May 30, 2013, 17:25

Acceptance, acceptance, acceptance...I truly value this advice from Paul and it works! Anxiety stinks but hey we are alive, healthy and despite how we feel...ANXIETY cannot kill us! Be encouraged everyone (including me 🙂

Posts: 75
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: June 14, 2013, 20:03

Finding out the hard way that my anxiety is being caused by my vertigo. I can't seem to kick this thing. Feeling as if you're moving when you're not, feeling as if for just a moment, things are not what they really are (i.e depersonalization), and not having a "good day" in quite a while really sucks. But, as I posted a few days ago about my trip to Nawlin's, I have some momentum right now and I will not let anxiety ruin it. So yes, acceptance, acceptance, acceptance, followed by a dose of believing, having faith, and perseverence, will get us to the "promised land".

As alway, Peace and Calm,

Posts: 75
Post Re: Anxiety and illnesses
on: December 18, 2013, 05:54

Hey all. It's that time of the year where the flu bug runs rampant. Yup, you guessed it, I had it.

I took a couple of days off from work, and although I'm not 100%, I'll be back to work tomorrow. Mind you, I'll be on vacation starting next week for 2 weeks, so I will definitely take full advantage of it. I am feeling a little anxious, likely as a result of the fever, body aches, and heavy coughing and sneezing I've been dealing with for a few days.

What I've come to realize is that no matter what we do, our anxiety will always go up when we're ill. However, unlike last year, I'm letting the anxiety be there and just dealing with it. I know that my anxiety is all in my thoughts, and it has nothing to do with my overall feelings. It is only temporary, and tomorrow is another day.

Stay positive everyone. If you get sick, so be it. Just deal with it because it will pass. It will for me, and I will enjoy my holiday's this year.


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