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Author Topic: Suggestions
Posts: 17
Post Re: Suggestions
on: June 6, 2014, 18:46

Paul, here's another topic suggestion: so called "free-floating" panic/anxiety that justseems to pop up out of nowhere at seemingly random times without a clear trigger. I had a therapist tell me she doesn't believe there is truly such a thing, but rather that there's something going on under the surface and that I have to work on identifying what it is. I honestly don't know what to believe. Any insights will be greatly appreciated.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Suggestions
on: June 22, 2014, 20:52

Paul, Another topic I thought of is relating to fear and social phobia's; Anticipation; When there are certain situations I cannot avoid and I try to avoid and come up with things to get out of going to events. It seems that if I know something is social and coming up I cant stop thinking about that and the phobia that comes with it like .. how will I get there, what happens when I get there, and will I make it through, or .. man its like 3 hours long !!!. Of course I know all these are thoughts and that negativity thinking again. I have issues getting to the event. Coming back is fine. I had some incident in the past where when I was driving I got caught in a snow storm so ever since I have a hard time driving anywhere. Although with one bad panic attack in a social situation it leads to me thinking all of it going to be like that. Mindfullness works very well when trying to get to an event but its frustrating when the mind, thoughts get in the way.

Posts: 19
Post Re: Suggestions
on: March 4, 2015, 03:52

One thing I've noticed is that when I start to feel better (like I am today) after feeling bad for a while, I really loose my motivation to keep up my habits that helped me get better in the first place. After all why fight anxiety when you're not really feeling it at the moment. The thing is it always comes back. I think it's pretty clear that I need to stick to my plan no matter what, but it might be an interesting thing to have on the podcast. The idea that feeling some relief can actually be an obstacle when it comes to developing an Anxiety Resilient lifestyle.

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