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Author Topic: New Year, same sensations, but...
Posts: 75
Post New Year, same sensations, but...
on: January 1, 2014, 23:33

But what? This year, I can deal with the anxiety that comes with being sick (getting over the flu but I think I caught a head cold yesterday) and tired (worked late and woke up early).

There I was today having lunch with my fiancee and mom when I felt a sense of depersonalization and the feelings of passing out. I knew I wasn't dying, or stroking out (which is what I felt the same time last year.) I know what I have, and I know what I need to do to overcome my GAD.

I came into the year with the intent on setting up a meditation and yoga regiment. I know once I get in a rhythm, my anxiety will slowly dissipate. Sucks because like I wrote above, I wish I could've snapped my fingers at the table and felt better just like that. I'm sitting on my couch looking back at the past few hours, and although I could get frustrated, I need to remind myself that one year ago today, I was going through the same feelings, and I felt like shit (plain and simple.) I'm here now writing to you all in the hopes that it can help you, especially if you're experiencing many bad days. I was where you are now. I've come a long way, and I'm proud of that.

Stay the course folks. I know some of you do not write on here for many reasons. Get on here, read, and if possible, write about what you're feeling. 2014 is going to be a good year. I can feel it, and I pray that many of you out there will feel better soon.


Posts: 94
Post Re: New Year, same sensations, but...
on: January 8, 2014, 16:15

Still struggling; some good weeks and some bad weeks. It's not like before where I had some bad days and some good months, but it's better than 6 months ago where I had some bad months and some good days. I am staying the course.
Stay strong!

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