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Author Topic: Water
Posts: 75
Post Water
on: January 3, 2014, 18:15

Not sure if it's been talked about by itself, but I have to write a short blurb about the power of water.

I had heard that taking a shower or a bath is a natural relaxant. I've felt it, but the other day, I had an experience I didn't think could happen. My fiancee decided to take me away from the City for a day to just be. On the way to where we were staying, we had to cross two long bridges. Actually, I knew we had to cross one, and the second one came as a surprise (my fiancee admitted that she didn't tell me on purpose.) When I realized we were going to cross another bridge, I started to feel a little anxious. I did have medication, but it was in the back of the car (she has a Hummer, so I would've had to crawl and look like a fool just to get to the meds.) Anyway, I looked down and saw she had water. I grabbed it, drank a normal amount of water, and my anxiety was gone. Yes, gone. It didn't go down or become bearable, I felt very calm. We drove across the bridge and I just enjoyed it.

I know Paul made a podcast in which he interviewed his brother. He recommended you have water whenever you drive somewhere. It's not that I didn't believe it, it just never "entered my mind" as they say. From now on, I will have water at the ready in case I feel a little panicky while on the road for whatever reason.

Go figure, we spend billions on meds, yet if we can have a bottle of water at the ready, it could help most of us get over our driving phobias (driving itself, traffic, or driving across bridges).

Time to face the day ahead for me.

Peace and Calm,

Posts: 94
Post Re: Water
on: January 7, 2014, 18:59

Water is good for so many things. I don't really have a ```phobia`` myself. But I can understand how occupying your mind on something else while doing something that stresses you may be helpful in many ways.

Posts: 19
Post Re: Water
on: March 2, 2015, 03:58

I recently heard Paul talk about the importance of hydration on one of the podcasts. Since then I have downloaded a free water app that helps me make sure I drink 64 oz each day. I've been doing it now for two days. I don't notice any huge changes yet but this is my first step in creating an anxiety resilient life style.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Water
on: June 10, 2016, 15:22

Hello, Incorporate drinking tea as well. other liquids like coffee, tea, etc count towards your hydration goal. good ;luck.

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