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Author Topic: real concerns vs exaggerated concerns
Posts: 10
Post real concerns vs exaggerated concerns
on: January 8, 2014, 08:30


One of my big problems is that I automatically turn every little thing into something HUGE, and then I end up terrified of what will happen. Like a dripping faucet becomes the entire pipe system leaking and ruining the house.

Then sometimes there are real things to worry about, but I have a hard time differentiating between what is ok/normal to worry about and what is more in my head.

Any advice there?


Posts: 75
Post Re: real concerns vs exaggerated concerns
on: January 18, 2014, 07:51

With time and practice, you'll be able to differentiate between the two. You know what's real and what is not. When GAD takes over, it's difficult at first. But with practice, it all settles down. I'm dealing with the lingering effects of the flu and a head cold. My body is fighting these effects, so it has caused my anxiety to spike. A year ago, I was a mess. This year, I've been able to manage my anxiety for the most part. I have had my bad days, but I tell myself that I will get better soon. IN the meantime, I need to live life and try not to focus on anxiety. It's been tough but I'm trying and not giving up.

Just stick with the program as they say, have patience, and you'll reach peace and calm. I'm almost there. As they say before it gets better, you have to go through the worse of times, which is what is happening now.

Be safe,

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