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Author Topic: Fear of Dying
Posts: 75
Post Fear of Dying
on: January 22, 2014, 04:02

AG Family,

Hope all is well. As you can see, the topic is one that might cause some anxiety in a few of you. Writing about it because it has been a tough few days.

Quick synopsis of what happened (and be prepared to laugh I hope). I sport a goatee, and I've had some white hairs creep in on the chin. I guess that's what happens when you're 41.So I came home from work one morning, and found a white hair -yes, just one white hair- creeping up the side of my goatee. Let me repeat it: ONE WHITE HAIR. I went to bed, and of all things, I started to think about dying. I freaked out for a second, but was able to fall asleep.

Fast forward to my drive home from work tonight. I'm on week 2 of my new workout regiment (only 25 minutes a day but no breaks.) My body is still getting use to it, and I know it'll all be worth it come wedding day next year. So, some of my anxiety is caused by my body trying to repair itself. Also, I think I'm finally getting over the lingering effects of the flu and head cold. Anyway, on the drive, I just started to think about death (again). Here I am just thinking about it for absolutely nothing, and it's scaring the crap out of me right now.

It's our destiny to die. But also, it is our destiny to live life to the fullest and enjoy it. I got it, but I guess I have to deal with it tonight.

I did read a couple of Paul's posts regarding death (one was written shortly after his grandfather passed.) In it, he pretty much says what I wrote above, which is to live it up and enjoy the time you have on this earth with family and friends. I'm getting married next year, and a few of my friends who I haven't seen since leaving the military are coming. I just want to enjoy the ride until my time to go to heaven comes (and I hope it's a long ways away.)

If anyone has advice, comments, or words of wisdom, please share them with me. I, along with others who might be struggling with the same thing, will truly appreciate it.

Peace and Calm,

Posts: 100
Post Re: Fear of Dying
on: January 23, 2014, 05:42

Hey Arturo,

I understand where you're coming from. I've written about this topic a couple of times because for a long time it really bothered me too.

Along with all the other things I've said on this topic, part of me just wants to tell you that the fear of death is something that stays with the majority of people. It's natural to not want to die, ever.

I say screw it. Don't leave anything on the table. Live your life big, do as much as you can, at then maybe, just maybe, you can look back on your life with a smile even if you have to face the inevitable with a frown.


Posts: 10
Post Re: Fear of Dying
on: January 23, 2014, 08:01

Hi Arturo,

I completely get where you are coming from. If I allow myself to think about dying for more than 30 seconds, my heart races, and I get all clammy. I know that death is part of life, and I honestly think living forever would be bad ( assuming everyone else was dying), but that does not make it any easier to think about.

I have 2 kids and I really need to establish some kind of will/living trust, but every time I try to talk seriously about it with my husband, I get too freaked out.

The one thing that can make me feel better is thinking about my grandfather. He was the father figure in my life, and an amazing man. We lost him 16 years ago, but he is still with me every day. So I know that even in death, we live on through the people who love us, and that gives me comfort.

Hang in there.


Posts: 75
Post Re: Fear of Dying
on: January 26, 2014, 22:09

Thanks Paul and Shamber for your responses.

It's been touch-and-go I will admit. Of course, I have no one to blame but my own. Pretty funny that on some of my bad days this week (this past Friday morning, I was panicky all morning), I ask God to give me a sign that things will calm down. And boom, a parking spot as soon as I drive into our parking lot (small stuff but it still means something.) I know it's inevitable, but I need to live life and not fear death. As a friend pointed out a few days back (she experienced a near-death experience due to an illness she suffered), she has no fear of dying. When she was on deaths door (literally), she said she wouldn't have felt it but that she can recall feeling at peace. Wow...

I have a lot to live for, so I need to get my ass in check and get out there and live life. I need to be healthy, positive, and upbeat. It won't always be happy times, but how I react to the bad times will determine how I see things.

Anxiety sucks ass, but I will not let it defeat me.

Thanks again,

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