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Author Topic: Physical ailment, or anxiety?
Posts: 17
Post Physical ailment, or anxiety?
on: May 30, 2014, 18:36

Dear All:

So there are two major anxiety symptoms I struggle with: dizziness/lightheadedness, and pain/weird sensations in my chest. These are most prevalent when I am anxious, and are accompanied by a general sense of unease, squirminess, feeling keyed up, etc. I'm sure many of you can relate.

Despite all assurances to the contrary, I can't get past thinking that these symptoms are a sign that there's something physically wrong with me. As I have shared with others, "If it walks, looks, and quacks like a duck, it must be a duck."

It occurred to me just now that I need to make a paradigm shift: if it walks, looks, and quacks like ANXIETY, it must be ANXIETY.

It's duck season, and I'm going to get that sucker. 😡


Posts: 40
Post Re: Physical ailment, or anxiety?
on: July 29, 2014, 16:22

The only thing I can say is repeat to yourself your first paragraph. Then read the first sentence of your second paragraph then again re read your first paragraph. Take special note of this part "These are most prevalent when I am anxious, and are accompanied by a general sense of unease, squirminess, feeling keyed up, etc."
Anxiety is and excuse my language, a BASTARD.
We all have our own triggers and body reactions to it(anxiety) but we also all feel the same sensations. I have had the palps, the headaches, the dizziness, the outer body feeling, the nervousness, the scary feelings, the uneasiness, the doubts, the confusion and the body aches and pains. In my mind I have had tumors, cancers, heart diseases, extra rare diseases and so on and so on lol. As I'm typing this I am looking back and realizing if everything I have felt because of my anxiety was true, I would be the unluckiest person on earth! Also at the moment I am going through a stomach episode and a bladder one, can only think my anxiety is super sizing it. Also going through spells of bedtime scares. When trying to go to sleep my mind wonders off into scary feelings. Nothing bad or evil just the sensation of being scared about something. Usually wake my wife up and tell her to play with my hair. She wakes up and does, love her, and it does put me to sleep.

My Dr says I'm ok (was just diagnosed with hypothyroidism about a month ago. What can you do? On my way to a specialist to get it back to normal and also a nutritionist just to better myself) All us anxious ppl in our minds think we have the worst, maybe one day we will get something life changing but we can also one day have a serious car wreck or hell maybe one day a plane can land on us but we have to realize that we will never know until we get there and there is nothing we can do about it. Try to stay positive ( I myself am trying to work on this) and keep it moving. Also like the great DR. Claire Weeks said in one of her SPECIAL books, if your anxiety moves from one place to another that is a good thing. It's a good thing because we recognized that it was indeed anxiety and let it pass, maybe it passed to another place in our body but we did our job in letting it pass. I didn't quote the exact text lol but that what she said. That right there has helped me tremendously at times of great fear from my pains and physical feelings.

Sorry for the long response but It's how I feel and maybe it can calm and sooth your thought? Even if it's for a little bit.

Also taking a trip to the Chiro can't hurt. Go for it, it will feel good anyways lol. I enjoy it.

Posts: 17
Post Re: Physical ailment, or anxiety?
on: July 31, 2014, 18:26


Thank you very much for responding to my note. I agree 100%, anxiety is a dirty rotten bastard. Your paraphrased quote from Dr. Weeks applies to me. The way anxiety manifests itself in my mind and body morphs to some degree. It's almost as if I'm playing whack-a-mole. Once I accept that a particular symptom is merely anxiety, then something else pops up. From what I understand this is common.

I wish I had some advice. If you haven't read Paul's e-books like "The Big Idea," you should do so. I have been trying to implement his strategy of no longer fighting anxiety and basically say "Go ahead anxiety, kill me. Embarrass me. Have your way with me." The theory is that anxiety is like quicksand - -the more you fight it, the more power it has over you. It's easier said than done, of course.

I hope knowing that you are not alone is some comfort to you. Hang in there. Let the bastard win, and perhaps it will walk away skulking and defeated.

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