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Author Topic: Scary Thoughts
Posts: 26
Post Scary Thoughts
on: June 6, 2014, 15:20

Here is something I wrote in 2008 when I first had my fear of choking ( which has since returned after a few years ... long story but I will overcome it again in time ) Hope this helps ...

Obssessive thoughts which you could term to be scary thoughts. Remember that a thought is just a thought and not a fact and definitely not an act. Because of anxiety when a thought arises instead of just blowing it off with no concern, we start to analyse the thought and give it more importance that it deserves. Just think of it this way ... If I jumped out at you and screamed BOO !!! you would panic and release adrenaline which would be uncomfortable for about 10 minutes, but if I stood in front of you and screamed BOO !!! continuously, you would start to get bored after a while and maybe yawn and then completely turn off from me standing in front of you shouting BOO !!! Just let those thoughts flow through you and get on with what you was doing and after a while they will lose their power to frighten you. 🙂

Posts: 75
Post Re: Scary Thoughts
on: June 10, 2014, 04:20

So very true. I'm having a setback this week, and it hasn't been pretty. But, I move on. Yeah, I just want to give up and let anxiety control my life. I just want to lay in bed and not face the world...but I have to pay half the bills in the household, and I didn't give up before. So I move on. I will overcome this, just like you have (and will).

Be well.

Posts: 26
Post Re: Scary Thoughts
on: June 10, 2014, 19:43

You know you are making progress when you have setbacks. Just remember that there are two things the brain does not want to do according to the late anxiety expert Dr Howard Liebgold ... that is die and be embarrassed. Fear is at the root of all types of anxiety. For example, fear of being ashamed in public. Fear resulting from a trauma, Fear your health is failing or fear that something dreadful looms in the future. Facing the fear and talking it down in your thought processes is the key to working on anxiety. Chipping away at it and remember that incremental change is your friend always in this. Be well also.

Posts: 26
Post Re: Scary Thoughts
on: June 10, 2014, 19:51

Jon Mercer says you can also take some of the power away from anxiety by being unapologetic about having anxiety because anxiety feeds off of shame. Having anxiety problems is no more your fault than say having a cold. Some folks have more sensitive limbic systems than other folks. I am rambling now 🙂

Posts: 26
Post Re: Scary Thoughts
on: June 20, 2014, 21:24

Remember one shot of adrenalin only lasts 10 minutes. Anxiety causes you to keep shooting that adrenalin. Your brain in basically in a bag. It cannot see so only gets information from you in the way of thoughts.

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