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Author Topic: Another "do you have this symptom too?" post
Posts: 17
Post Another "do you have this symptom too?" post
on: July 8, 2014, 12:35

Dear All:

I frequently wake up in the morning with strange sensations in my head that are difficult to describe. They're very short, random bursts of tinnitus which are somewhat similar to laser gun blasts in sci-fi movies. Other times is seems like sudden crashing sounds. These all happen only when I'm lying quietly in bed before getting up. Anyone else experience anything like this? Thank you!

Posts: 75
Post Re: Another "do you have this symptom too?" post
on: July 20, 2014, 22:33

I think i have the crashing sensation, but it happens to me when I go to sleep. I've actually described it like a "brain spasm". I do have it sometimes throughout the day, and at one point, I thought I was having mini-strokes (went to the doctor's and got the all clear.) I've heard many different theories, but the one that seems plausible is that if you've had a a long, stressful day, your body and mind doesn't want to shut down. What I usually do is I take a lorazepam, and then it all goes away and I fall asleep.

If need be, have it checked out, but don't be surprised if they tell you that it is anxiety and stress-related.

HAve a good one.

Posts: 40
Post Re: Another "do you have this symptom too?" post
on: July 29, 2014, 15:48

I had this at one point too but mine was dude to an upper back/neck injury that still to this day bugs me. Went to the Chiro and fixed that sensation with alignments. I'm pretty sure I posted a thread about this experience :chin:

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