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Author Topic: Depersonalization? Also update on me!!!
Posts: 40
Post Depersonalization? Also update on me!!!
on: October 20, 2014, 16:21

Paul, I wanted to ask you personally but also if anyone else can help, please help.

For about 3-4 weeks now I have been dealing with a new symptom, it is a euphoric type feeling. It reminds me of how I use to feel when I would get high (I use to smoke a lot of weed back in my day so I do remember the feeling). It's not as intense but it has the same "weed buzz" feeling, like my head feels light and my mind kinda looses concentration. My eye focus gets off a bit but it's a feeling like when I focus my eyes on something it takes a second later for my brain to catch up.

I feel of course on edge, my mind also keeps racing (I've always have had a big imagination and use to use my mind when I was kid a ton. Playing with my toys by myself I would create situations and voice my own toys lol, as I got older I would use my mind to get through problems at home "happy thought" and talk my self into not letting things get to me) Now it seems like I can't shut my mind off?... I have read about depersonalization and the symptoms but all I read about are symptoms like feeling like you are in a dream state, your limbs feel like they're not yours and stuff like that but I don't have the limbs problems. I sometimes do feel the dream state but that to me feels like the "weed buzz" again. It comes and goes all threw out the day, sometime for a couple seconds and sometimes for a couple minutes and it especially hits me when I am driving.

I guess my question is, is this a case of depersonalization? Is this what it feels like? My anxiety does go up when I get this weird feeling but I am getting better at not letting the "this is a tumor" "I am finally going crazy" thoughts mess with me. I still feel like this probably is my anxiety moving onto something else since the palps don't bother me and the ibs doesn't bother me anymore.

On a quick note, I came to find out that a lot of my symptoms or the last 6 months of my anxiety was super high and rough was because my thyroid had crashed! At around Jan to Aug I was super anxious. I mean I was at the Dr. every other week at least once with all kinds of "deadly" "death certificates" and none of them came into fruition but I kept going to the Dr for my new "death" thing. Well since my mother has diabetes and ulcer-active colitis and my father passed from cancer I usually go once every 6 months to a year for a physical. Blood work, urine work exct. and on one of these visits I asked them to check me. I also noticed than I was having trouble getting up in the morning and was very low on energy all through out the day, my palps were also hitting me extra hard, and my skin was dry so I said let's see if this is something serious or let's see if this is my anxiety really messing with me.

Well I took my tests and the following day I gt a call from my Dr.s office. My heart jumped, I knew something was up, they call if something is wrong and don't call if everything came back ok. My Dr. told me that my test came back showing that my thyroid was was low .10 or 10 and the normal is 3 I think. Then while I'm sitting there in a panic state on the phone I asked "ok, now what can I do to fix this" her reply "take this medicine every morning" I go "ok, for how long and then after the meds what then? Should I change my eating habits? Physical habits?" and she says "yes and yes but this medicine is FOR LIFE". My heart sank and I went from scared to angry to being depressed. I always had a scare for FOR LIFE MEDS, I see all the things my mother takes and it hurts me inside to know she has to take those or it could go bad and I always hoped I didn't have to go through that then this happens.

It took me 2 weeks before I gave into taking the meds and about 3 weeks into i felt a HUGE change, I felt GREAT. I hadn't felt that good in a loooong time. My anxiety calmed way down, my papls eased up on me, my energy levels shot up!! Stlll feel better now more than I did in the beginning of the year, all except this new feeling im struggling with of course.

Sorry for the long story but it's been a while and some exciting things went on in m y life this year.

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