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Author Topic: What a Night...
Posts: 75
Post What a Night...
on: November 10, 2016, 03:51

What up AG Family,

How's everyone? Hopefully, you're doing better than me.

So, a few things to pass. First, I messed up my ankle a few weeks back. Strained ligaments but no fracture. It's still sensitive, and not being able to workout whatsoever has taken a toll on me. These last few days, my anxiety has been high. I think my body is working OT to heal itself. So be it.

And then last night happens. Yes, the elections came up. I did my civic duty and voted. When I came home, I decided not to watch anything regarding the elections, and instead caught up on some shows. I did look at my Facebook posts, and saw that something big was happening. So, I wrote a post in the hopes it would alleviate the angst most folks were having. I basically stated that no matter what, we will wake up and it would be a new day. Some would be happy while others would be angry and upset. I would hold my head up high and not let the results affect me. My wife then came home from work, and I could tell she was down. She basically told me she was sad and depressed. I could barely sleep but I went to work, and low and behold, a lot of my coworkers felt sad and depressed as well.

For those that do not know me, I care about people a lot. I hate seeing people down and out, and I always try to help one way or another. Well, today, nothing I said or did made anyone feel good. For someone who's been dealing with some severe anxiety, this was the last thing I needed to see and hear. I felt useless (and still do right now). It's been so bad these last few days, I've had to take 2-3 Lorazepams just to get by. Before, I could take one a day but it's been that bad these last few days. Muscles are tense, my right calf and Achilles are cramping a lot (due to me hobbling on it for the last few weeks of course). So, physically, I'm getting by, and mentally, it's been a rough ride. People would say I'm a mess right now, which is fine.

Anyway, just needing to vent because I can't vent to no one around here.

Be well everyone.

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