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Author Topic: A small step forward
Posts: 75
Post A small step forward
on: March 13, 2013, 03:25

Greetings AG Family,

I hope everyone is doing well, and is feeling calm and cool.

So I want to share a significant step in my battle against abnormal anxiety. As I stated in my introduction, I've been suffering from anxiety for over 4 years. It all started while I was trying to get on a flight from Washington D.C. to San Fran. Fast forward to last week. Had to go East for a training seminar, and as you can imagine, I was dreading it. However, I chose to just suck it up, plus I had no choice.

Anyway, I flew to the East Coast without a hitch. I felt so calm and just wanted to enjoy the week, which I did. Of course, I started to anticipate the return trip, since I was going to the place where it all started. However, I just told myself to just let things roll by and not to give in to fear no matter what. In the end, I just maintained a sense of normalcy and thought positive thoughts before boarding the flight. I boarded the flight, which by itself was a major accomplishment. I did feel a little angst halfway throught the flight, but I just sucked it up and let the angst develop and float on by. We landed safely, and I immediately had a tear in my eye because I knew I had done something I avoided for 4 years.

BEfore I go on, my girlfriend flew out with me to attend the same training seminar, which made the flight easier. But, I realized that this was the first step towards my "a-ha" moment. Even with her onboard the same flight, I still had the same "feelings" before getting on the flight. Bottom line is I was able to enjoy my flight and just be. I didn't give into the fear, and when it did pop up, I just gave it the finger and told it to "give me your best shot."

We are all a day closer to being free from this nightmare. Hopefully during this process, you've become a stronger person. I know I have, and I can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store. I'm still battling, but I'm definitely winning the war at this point. As they say, take it one day at a time.

Peace and Calm,

Posts: 18
Post Re: A small step forward
on: March 13, 2013, 14:10

What an amazing accomplishment Arturo! You should be extremely proud of yourself. A plane trip can be an extremely difficult obstacle to overcome when abnormal anxiety is involved. Thanks for posting!


Posts: 100
Post Re: A small step forward
on: March 13, 2013, 16:21

Yes! Great news Arturo. This is no easy thing for an anxious person. Great news!

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