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Author Topic: New Around Here
Posts: 1
Post New Around Here
on: April 3, 2014, 02:35

Hey All,

Figure I'd stop in and introduce myself. My Name is Stefan and I've been dealing with anxiety for quite a few years now. It happened to me on and off as a teenager, mostly due to the pot I smoked and went away once I quit smoking. It re-surfaced as a full blown panic attack in the Fall of 2010 and has been with me ever since. That initial attack really shook me up and made me really take a look at all things around me because I knew something wasn't right.

Fast forward to last year when I started seeing a psychologist to get help with my anxiety. She's really good and it's really good talking to her. My problem is once I start getting better I forget all about my exercises and eventually anxiety will come back. I feel that my biggest problem right now is my thinking. I'm a constant thinker and feel the need to analyze everything big or small! Recently I've found myself always constantly thinking "what if...." and I know I need to change my way of thinking once and for all.

Can't say that I know what the cause of my anxiety is but I know some contributing factors. I had a great childhood aside from my parents divorce, abusive father, which is why I have a fear for violence, arguments, & yelling. It just makes me uncomfortable and I try to avoid getting into an argument with someone if not necessary. I'm also a bit self conscious and a people pleaser but I'm working on getting better!

Let me be the first to say that for me medication is not an option, I was and never will be a fan of medication in general. I know it helps but I see it as an absolute LAST RESORT. I am currently working full time, going to school part time but hit the gym twice a week and eat as healthy as i can, with an occasional cheat meal once or twice! I've only been exercising for about a month now but definitely see some benefits since I've started, I only hope those benefits will continue to improve.

With the help of Paul and others I hope to find coping skills that will help me conquer & change my negative thought patterns. I also hope I can share my experiences with others!

Posts: 100
Post Re: New Around Here
on: April 6, 2014, 16:17

Hi Stefan,

Welcome to the forum. Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself. It's nice to hear that you're being as diligent as you are in terms of reducing your anxiety. You're taking it seriously and that's probably the most important step you can take. Hopefully over time you can gain some peace of mind through learning more about anxiety and how to reduce it. It can take time but it is 100% doable.


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