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Author Topic: Victory today
Posts: 4
Post Victory today
on: May 14, 2014, 02:50

I just wanted to share a little victory I had today. It was my child's spring concert and art show at school tonight. Last year I was really anxious and shaky and stayed in the hallway during the concert and quickly left shortly afterwards. This year I went in the hot, crowded gym, got seats for my husband & I, that weren't by the door or on a aisle, and stayed for the whole show. And enjoyed it! Then we leisurely browsed all the student art work and did some shopping at the book sale too. It was sooo crowded and very hot and I did have a couple moments of discomfort but I shook it off and acted like a "regular" person 🙂 I've had other victories and certainly some set backs, in fact the past year and a half has been a constant 2 steps forward, one step back situation, but today I could really compare the progress I've made to this same situation last year. I NEVER give myself an ounce of credit or a pat on the back but I was really happy that I did this today. It was a real "moment"
for me. I also want to say that I'm so glad you're doing the podcasts more frequently as I really enjoy & benefit from them and give credit to you and Claire Weekes for the progress I've made. Thank you!

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