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Author Topic: New kid on the block
Posts: 17
Post New kid on the block
on: May 28, 2014, 18:49

Hello everyone. I just joined, and thought I would share an experience I had today.

My anxiety sometimes causes chest pains/palpitations/etc, so I had a stress echocardiogram scheduled to rule out anything nefarious. Today was that day. Now I had a stress echo a few years ago and it was no big deal, so I shouldn’t have been all that anxious this time. But I was. I slept crappy the night before and was feeling anxious, lightheaded, and queasy when I arrived.

When I was taken into the exam room, I told the crew assembled there that I wasn’t feeling well and asked if it would be OK if I were to bail. They said it would be fine, but suggested I do the resting portion, then see if I was feeling up to the stress portion. I agreed. Everyone left the room except for the ultrasound tech and me. During the procedure he asked me some questions about my anxiety — do I take medication, how it all started, etc. He then said to me in a muted voice, “Just between you and me, I’ve been struggling with anxiety and panic off and on for the last 14 years.” Now this totally floored me.

First, here’s a guy in the prime of his life, with a good job, good health, youthful good looks (yep, I was jealous) — yet he struggles with anxiety like I do. In fact, he said just talking about it with me was giving him some mild left-sided chest pain. How ironic is THAT? He shared that he takes blood pressure meds partly to help him cope with the stress that comes with having a job that involves life and death.

Second, this is just another example to me of how pervasive anxiety and panic are. I have been amazed at how many people (among the few I’ve talked with about my anxiety) either struggle with it, have done so in the past, or have a friend/family member who is affected.

FYI, I told him to check out anxietyguru.net because Paul seems to have a very good understanding of anxiety issues and how to cope.

What’s my takeaway from all this? If you have anxiety/panic issues, you’re in good company. There are people all around you who do as well. Coworkers, neighbors, people you worship with, and even medical caregivers. You are NOT alone — not even close. In fact, I dare say that anxiety, panic, and their close cousin depression may be the “new normal” in our society. So when I see people who appear to be perfectly happy and have it all together, and find myself wishing I could be like them, I remind myself that perhaps I really am but don't realize it.

BTW, the ultrasound tech isn’t supposed to give me any advance intel, but he said everything looks good. Phew.

Be blessed!

Posts: 94
Post Re: New kid on the block
on: May 28, 2014, 19:02

That is awesome. Not that you have anxiety, but that you met someone else tht has some and doesn't look it. I found out that A LOT of people struggle. Waaaay more than 5% I think. More like 20%, in my opinion, but I'm no statistician.
Close friends, coworkers, even my boyfriend of 14 years; all had panic attacks.
I knew my boyfriend had stress issues. He knows all about my anxiety. But until this year I never knew he had panic attacks sometimes. He never told me. He was on the phone with a buddy and I overheard.
I asked him after why he never told me and he replied that he tought I could tell.
That goea to show you that you yourself probably look totlay normal even if you think you look frazzled. I sure think I do, but no one mentioned anything at work.
Let's keep strong.

Posts: 17
Post Re: New kid on the block
on: May 29, 2014, 02:10

Amen, Sarah! 🙂

Posts: 75
Post Re: New kid on the block
on: June 1, 2014, 23:15

Exactly. When I first came down with anxiety, I felt all alone. I felt I was the only one on this planet who suffered from anxiety. Slowly but surely, I found out that I was not alone. I use to look at others and say "Man, I wish I could be them because they look so happy." But then I realized that that I could not live life that way. All I want is to be happy and not be like others. What I do want to do is to help others. If I could, I would walk around with a shirt that says "I have anxiety. Ask me anything." I would like the stigma to go away. If we could all admit to what we have, I'm sure life would be a better place to live. I've looked for support groups in my city, but have found none. The closest is 45 minutes away, and with traffic, I would not be able to make it in time.

Anyway, we are not alone. We are a family of anxiety sufferers, and we are the only ones that can help each other. I truly believe that. If you don't know what I'm going through, then you don't know squat. Keep up the good work, and I'm glad to see more people on the forum.

Be well.

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