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Author Topic: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
Posts: 17
Post Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: June 24, 2014, 19:46

Dear All:

I'm a 50-year-old male who has never smoked and is in generally good health, but like most people could stand to get in better shape. Today I had a very unsetlling experience that I hope to get your thoughts on.

It's a warm, muggy day, and I'm making the slightly uphill trek from my car to the building in which I work, while walking alongside a colleague and having a pleasant conversation. I had been feeling slightly lightheaded for much of the day, which is not unusual for me. Suddenly, while walking, I find myself becoming short of breath and feeling like I might pass out or have a heart attack. I wasn't having chest pain or gasping for air, but was definitely short of breath. I came very close to having a panic attack. Thank God we turned a corner onto a more level street with some shade and a cool breeze, or I shudder to think what might have happened.

My theory for the moment is that my GAD creates stress on my body such as increased heart rate, shallow rapid breathing, etc -- and the stress caused by walking uphill in the warm muggy air began overtaxing my already stressed body.

It's worth noting that around three years ago I was out for a walk with my wife on a warm summer evening when something very similar happened. I began feeling very lightheaded/dizzy and my heart rate suddenly jumped, which was immediately followed by an intense out-of-the-blue panic attack that had me convinced I was dying. We rushed to the ER where I continued having panic attacks for around six hours. My 24-hour stay in the hospital included a stress enho that turned out fine. A few months later, I wore a holter monitor for a month which showed nothing but occasional PVCs. And a month or so ago I had the same tests and everything is still OK. So in theory my cardiovascular system is fine.

There have been other occasions when I've been hot and become suddenly lightheaded and panicky. I'm beginning to sense a pattern. Are heat and humidity known to cause panic attacks? Maybe I should move to Alaska. :-/

I would be very grateful, dear reader, if you would please chime in with your thoughts. Thank you very much.

Posts: 75
Post Re: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: July 2, 2014, 03:55


I've had the same thing happen to me, but it had nothing to do with the weather. If my day was filled with angst, I've noticed that it jacks my body up. Thus, it causes me to have shortness of breath, and at times, feel lightheaded. I attribute it all to my GAD. I've done the same trek uphill from my building to the garage and haven't felt a thing. Bottom line, if you've been given the all clear by your doctor, then it's GAD. What you need to do is to start accepting the sensations. I've been working on it myself, but I've noticed I've gotten better in accepting it.

Be well.

Posts: 17
Post Re: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: July 8, 2014, 12:20

Thank you for taking the time to reply Gurumiche. I think you're largely right. I've read many times that anxiety can cause rapid, shallow breathing, which can cause hyperventilation, which can lead to a panic attack. I suspect that's at least part of what's going on. So now I need to overcome my fear of physical exertion. Yay, a new phobia to conquer. :-/

Posts: 20
Post Re: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: July 12, 2014, 15:34

I have the same reactions ! when it's hot and humid my panic and dizziness and lightheaded is worse thus making my panic worse especially in crowds so I avoid all the summer fun but I think I am missing life this way. I have tried trusting myself that I am fine nothing really is wrong with me and acceptance but slowly working on trying to get out to things . I hate crowds too but because I feel that way . I try to always carry water and food keep hydrated and food . so far I can tell alittle bit what Paul's podcast r helping but I need to push myself to go to more things .

Posts: 40
Post Re: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: July 29, 2014, 15:57

This summer I have experienced panic and high anxiety. I work in an office on the weekdays and due mechanical maintenance on the weekends. I own a Peterbilt and on the weekends I spend my time maintaining it, changing out tires, changing oil, taking this part off putting this part back so on and so forth. Well every no and again if I am working and if you live in Texas you know the 100+ heat, I do get extra anxious/nervous. Almost like the fight or flight sensation and I have had a small panic attack before. Nothing as strong as yours but I have had them in the heat.

I have read that heat can cause them mainly due to your body being extra sensitive to make sure you don't dehydrate or get too much sun and seeing how our bodies are on the extra sensitive side I could see this happening to anyone of us.

Posts: 17
Post Re: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: August 1, 2014, 01:11

Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply. I am 99% sure that I was hyperventilating. This has now happened to me several times recently. Each time, I was experiencing some degree of anxiety so my body was already under some stress, and I was adding physical exertion to the mix. For me, climbing stairs when I'm anxious sets it off. So perhaps the formula is...

anxiety ------> shallow breathing and bodily stress + physical exertion = hyperventilation

There are some experts who believe that many of us have poor breathing habits which leads to all sorts of problems, including anxiety. There's a book on this subject called "The Healing Power of Breath."

So I am paying more attention to my breathing, especially when feeling anxious, making sure I am taking slow, deep breaths.

Posts: 40
Post Re: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: August 5, 2014, 15:10

yea i knew about our shallow chest breaths. every morning before you get up, take a few secs to take in some deep breaths with matching exhales. great way to start the day.

Posts: 20
Post Re: Can heat and humidity cause lighheadedness, breathlessness and panic?
on: June 15, 2016, 14:37

Hello My Friends,
This too has happened to me. Just yesterday, I was showing my son how to use a garden hoe and clear a grassy area. It was hot and humid and I suddenly felt my heart pound hard, I got a little light headed but not to the point of fainting. This was enough to cast a doubt in my mind about my heart. Later that evening, I went out again and forced myself to do this to see what would happen. I must have been anticipating that I would feel this way again, but what happened was I felt the normal sensations when you suddenly lift a heavy object. I would say that humidity does play a role in your circulatory system and how we respond to the sensation. If we panic, then we will notice all the other sensations like breathing. I hope someone picks up on this thread as the last posting was back in 2014. The things written here are priceless and it would help to add some comments in 2016. take care my friends. we are dealing with the same sensations but acceptance is the answer.

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